Fedora 创建 LiveUSB 的工具
linux only,其它os用户请移步!!!
教程包括制作金卡,降级,获得root,获得radio s-off,获得engineering s-off,装clockworkmod,刷3rd party rom
下载教程 wget https://github.com/chenfengyuan/dhd/raw ... re-hd.html
然后打开opera htc-desire-hd.html
Please follow this guide at your own risk. I will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
2011年4月生产的htc desire hd照这个教程,应该是可以刷出来的.
教程包括制作金卡,降级,获得root,获得radio s-off,获得engineering s-off,装clockworkmod,刷3rd party rom
下载教程 wget https://github.com/chenfengyuan/dhd/raw ... re-hd.html
然后打开opera htc-desire-hd.html
Please follow this guide at your own risk. I will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
2011年4月生产的htc desire hd照这个教程,应该是可以刷出来的.
作者: ChenFengyuan 发布时间: 2011-06-05
作者: Kandu 发布时间: 2011-06-05
htc-desire-hd.html 是用 docbook 寫的?
作者: Kandu 发布时间: 2011-06-05