
thank you more,again,I see!
embedded = False
threadsafe = True
static = False

# Use the compiler section to add additional options for the extension build.
# In particular, if your platform does not support mysql_config (like
# Windows), you will have to set most of these. Note that each entry is split
# into a list so that each line is one item.

#mysql_root: /usr/local/mysql
#library_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/lib
#include_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/include
#libraries: mysqlclient
# zlib
# msvcrt
# libcmt
# wsock32
# advapi32

原帖由 graflong 于 2006-4-11 19:07 发表
#mysql_root: /usr/local/mysql
#library_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/lib
#include_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/include
#libraries: mysqlclient

my God!
You should remove tne comment symble "#"!!!!

mysql_root: /usr/local/mysql
library_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/lib
include_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/include
libraries: mysqlclient

It's really difiicult 4U, ulmer
OK,thank you again! There “threadsafe = True” is need modify?

原帖由 graflong 于 2006-4-11 19:17 发表
OK,thank you again! There “threadsafe = True” is need modify?

This is not important, I guess,

P.S.: if you are successfull, pls put your replay here.

Thank you My real friend!
Just This:
embedded = False
threadsafe = True
static = False

# Use the compiler section to add additional options for the extension build.
# In particular, if your platform does not support mysql_config (like
# Windows), you will have to set most of these. Note that each entry is split
# into a list so that each line is one item.

mysql_root: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit
library_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/lib
include_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/include
libraries: mysqlclient
# zlib
# msvcrt
# libcmt
# wsock32
# advapi32
I'm sorry ,the same Error!why?
if I modify threadsafe =False ,the error is :
"root@TNC1 # python site.cfg build
  File "site.cfg", line 18
    mysql_root: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
root@TNC1 # more site.cfg
# Options:
# embedded: link against the embedded server library
# threadsafe: use the threadsafe client
# static: link against a static library (probably required for embedded)

embedded = False
threadsafe = False
static = False

# Use the compiler section to add additional options for the extension build.
# In particular, if your platform does not support mysql_config (like
# Windows), you will have to set most of these. Note that each entry is split
# into a list so that each line is one item.

mysql_root: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit
library_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/lib
include_dirs: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit/include
libraries: mysqlclient
# zlib"
I change the "mysql_root: /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.19-solaris8-sparc-64bit" into "mysql_root: /usr/local/mysql" ,but the error is same as before