Zend Xcache PHP
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天下武功 惟快不破
关于Zend Engine的知识
Zend Engine 最主要的特性就是把 PHP 的边解释边执行的运行方式改为先进行预编译(Compile),然后再执行(Execute)。这两者的分开给PHP带来了革命性的变化:执行效率大幅提高;由于实行了功能分离,降低了模块间耦合度,可扩展性也大大增强。此时PHP已经能很方便的应付各种各样的BT需求了,而伴随 PHP 4.4.x ―可能是PHP4 系列的最后一个分支―的发布,PHP的大部分开发人员已经将注意力放在了PHP5或者 PHP6上面,以后发布的基本上就是一些 Bug Fix Release。可以说第一代的Zend Engine是已经在站最后一班岗了。
PHP 5 系列的Zend Engine 2就完美无缺了。前面已经提到过,Zend Engine 将代码分成编译和执行两大部分。一般情况下,我们的代码完成以后就很少再去改变了。但执行时PHP却不得不还得一次又一次的重复编译,这根本就是毫无必要的。而且通常情况下,编译的所花费的时间并不比执行少多少,说是五五开并不为过,因此这极大的浪费了机器的CPU。基于Zend Engine 3.0 的 PHP6 将解决这个问题。除此之外,目前的PHP对多字节的字符处理也是PHP的一大致命缺陷。这在人们联系日益国际化的今天几乎是不可忍受的。而无数人在抨击 PHP 或 比较 ASP等同类语言时总是不可避免的要提到这一点。同时受到 IBM 方面的压力,PHP6 也将会把对多字节字符的处理提到首要日程。这在 PHP6 的 Dev 版本中已经得到体现。
一般加速的有MMcache Xcache eAccelerato apc
Turck MMCache 项目的分支的形式诞生。Turck MMCache 项目由Dmitry Stogov创建,并且Dmitry Stogov至今一直为此项目而开发着。
First of all, we have our 3 contestants.
- Apache + mod_php — it is by far the fastest way to run PHP scripts,as the PHP interpretor is (1) persistent and (2) in-process. It is alsothe method most widely adopted by the shared hosting industry. If yoursite is on a Cpanel account, then it is most likely to be on mod_php.
As PHP is running in-process along-side with Apache, the PHP scripts are running as Apache’s user (apache or nobody or www-data depending on your Linux distro).
- CGI + SuEXEC— Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is the grand-daddy of dynamic webcontent, and it is CGI that made scripting languages like Perl popularin the late ’90s. A full PHP interpretor is forked for every request ofdynamic content, and process forking is not computationally cheap — atleast in the ’90s. This is the very reason why in-process interpretorslike mod_php and mod_perl became popular.
One advantage, when combining with Apache’s suEXEC, is that CGIs are running as owner of the scripts,i.e. actual shared hosting users. As the cost of forking is gettingrelatively cheaper these days, CGI + suEXEC is becoming popular again.
- FastCGI per user — FastCGIis not a new technology, but because of the popularity of mod_php, itsort of faded in the corner until those new generation frameworks (RoR,Django, etc) brought it back to life again.
In FastCGI, PHPruns externally but persistently, which makes it almost as fast asmod_php. Another advantage is that you can put suEXEC wrappers aroundit so the persistent FastCGI processes can run as the site owner,instead of a shared FastCGI user.