zhc822 发表于 2008-04-29 12:52
我是perl的初学者, 在windows平台下写了个小小的来宾手册的程式。 在localhost上测试的时候当留言为英文时都能正常显示,但是当输入中文的时候却显示的是相应汉字的对应编码。如 & # 再加上一串数字 的形式。 附代码如下,急盼求教,万分感谢! #!C:/usr/bin/perl.exe -Tw use strict; use CGI qw/:standard escapeHTML/; use Fcntl qw/:flock/; $|++; # Config my $GUESTBOOK = './guestbook.txt'; my $TITLE = 'Guestbook'; # Title of guestbook my $MAX_MSGS = 5; # Maximum number of messages displayed my $MAX_NAME = 50; # Maximum length of name field my $MAX_EMAIL = 50; # Maximum length of email field my $MAX_COMMENTS = 300; # Maximum length of comments field # End Config # Print header print header, start_html(-title=>$TITLE, -bgcolor=>'white'), h1($TITLE); # Get action my $action = param('action'); # Check action if ($action =~ /^sign/i) { # Sign guestbook sign_guestbook(); } elsif ($action =~ /^view/i) { # View guestbook view_guestbook(); } else { print_form(); } # End html print end_html; ####################################### sub print_form { print hr, start_form, '<STRONG>Name: </STRONG>', br, textfield(-name=>'name', -size=>50), br, '<STRONG>E-Mail: </STRONG>', br, textfield(-name=>'email', -size=>50), br, '<STRONG>Comments: </STRONG>', br, textarea(-name=>'comments', -rows=>10, -columns=>50, -wrap=>1), br, submit(-name=>'action', -value=>'Sign Guestbook'), submit(-name=>'action', -value=>'View Guestbook'), reset, end_form; } sub sign_guestbook { my $time = localtime; my $name = param('name'); my $email = param('email'); my $comments = param('comments'); # Check that name was entered if ($name eq '' or $name =~ /^\s+$/) { print_error('You must enter a name'); } # Check lenghts of user input $name = substr($name, 0, $MAX_NAME); $email = substr($email, 0, $MAX_EMAIL); $comments = substr($comments, 0, $MAX_COMMENTS); # Remove leading/trailing white space $comments =~ s/^\s+//; $comments =~ s/\s+$//; # Escape HTML $name = escapeHTML($name); $email = escapeHTML($email); $comments = escapeHTML($comments); # Deal with line breaks $comments =~ s/(?:\015\012?|\012)/<BR>/g; open(FILE, ">>$GUESTBOOK") or die "Can't open $GUESTBOOK: $!\n"; flock(FILE, LOCK_EX); # Exclusive lock for writing print FILE $time, ':::', $name, ':::', $email, ':::', $comments, "\n"; flock(FILE, LOCK_UN); # Unlock the file close FILE; # Check size of message file max_msgs(); my $script = url(); print hr, 'Thank you for signing my guestbook', p, a({-href=>"${script}?action=view"},'View Guestbook'); } sub view_guestbook { my $script = url(); print a({-href=>$script}, 'Sign Guestbook'), hr; # Check size of message file max_msgs(); # Read message file open(FILE, "$GUESTBOOK") or die "Cannot open $GUESTBOOK: $!\n"; flock(FILE, LOCK_SH); # Shared lock for reading my @messages = <FILE>; flock(FILE, LOCK_UN); # Unlock the file close (FILE); @messages = reverse (@messages); foreach my $item (@messages) { my($time, $name, $email, $comments) = split(':::', $item); # Format fields my $f_name = "<STRONG>$name</STRONG>"; my $f_email = "<A HREF=mailto:$email>$email</A>"; # Output a record print "$time - $f_name - $f_email", p(blockquote($comments)), hr; } } sub max_msgs { # If more than MAX_MSGS messages, delete oldest # Read message file open(FILE, "$GUESTBOOK") or die "Cannot open $GUESTBOOK: $!\n"; flock(FILE, LOCK_SH); # Shared lock for reading my @messages = <FILE>; flock(FILE, LOCK_UN); # Unlock the file close (FILE); if(@messages > $MAX_MSGS) { open(FILE, ">$GUESTBOOK") or die "Cannot open $GUESTBOOK: $!\n"; flock(FILE, LOCK_EX); # Exclusive lock for writing shift @messages while @messages > $MAX_MSGS; print FILE @messages; flock(FILE, LOCK_UN); # Unlock the file close FILE; } } sub print_error { my $error = shift; my $script = url(); print hr, h2('Error'), p($error), a({href=>$script}, 'Try Again'), end_html; die $error; }