向高手求助! PerlSvc包使用问题!
djw_posion 发表于 2005-10-12 22:28
向高手求助! PerlSvc包使用问题!
我写了一段代码,使用perlsvc编译后,运行时服务可以正常注册、卸载,但不能“启动”。启动时报错“xxxxxx failed to start” ,我使用 --debug 跟踪调试 ,未发现错误,但就是启动失败
代码主要内容如下: 请指教!(刚才忘了说明 需要在.exe 的同级目录下放一个urllist.txt文件,该文件一行为一个词)
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package PerlSvc;
use strict; use warnings; use FileHandle; $" = "-"; $|=1; my $strFilename = "UrlList.txt"; my $splicetime = 60 * 15; my $service = "TrackSvc"; my @options = ('fileName' =>; \$strFilename, 'Time' =>; \$splicetime); (my $progname = $0) =~ s/.*?([^\\]+?)(\.\w+)$/$1/; our(%Config,$Verbose); unless (defined &ContinueRun) { # Don't delay the very first time ContinueRun() is called my $sleep; *ContinueRun = sub { Win32::Sleep(1000*shift) if $sleep && @_; $sleep = 1; return 1 }; *RunningAsService = sub {return 0}; # Interactive() would be called automatically if we were running # the compiled PingSvc.exe Interactive(); } sub unsupported { my $option = shift; die "The '--$option' option is only supported in the compiled script.\n"; } sub get_options { require Getopt::Long; my @options = @_; my $usage = pop @options; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "$usage\n$_[0]"; exit 1 }; Getopt::Long::GetOptions(@options); $SIG{__WARN__} = 'DEFAULT'; } sub configure { %Config = (ServiceName =>; $service, DisplayName =>; "GetHtml $service", Parameters =>; "--fileName $strFilename --Time $splicetime", Description =>; "Get Html" ); } sub Interactive { # These entries are only used when the program is run with # `perl PingSvc.pl` and is not compiled into a service yet. push(@options, 'help' =>; \&Help, 'install' =>; \&unsupported, 'remove' =>; \&unsupported); # Setup the %Config hash based on our configuration parameter configure(); Startup(); } sub GetContents { my $contents = shift; mkdir("data"); my $fw = new FileHandle(">;>; data/log.txt"); print $fw $contents; $fw->;close; } sub Startup { get_options(@options, <<__USAGE__); Try `$progname --help` to get a list of valid options. __USAGE__ if(!(-f $strFilename)) { exit 1; } while(1) { my $fr = new FileHandle($strFilename); while(<$fr>;) { chomp($_); GetContents($_); } $fr->;close; Win32::Sleep($splicetime * 1000); } } sub Install { get_options('name=s' =>; \$service, @options, <<__USAGE__); Valid --install suboptions are: auto automatically start service --name service name [$service] --fileName file name [$strFilename] --Time time [$splicetime] For example: $progname --install auto --name TrackSvc --UrlList.txt --Time 120 __USAGE__ configure(); } sub Remove { get_options('name=s' =>; \$service, <<__USAGE__); Valid --remove suboptions are: --name service name [$service] For example: $progname --remove --name PingFoo __USAGE__ # Let's be generous and support `PingSvc --remove PingFoo` too: $service = shift @ARGV if @ARGV; $Config{ServiceName} = $service; } sub Help { print <<__HELP__; TrackSvc -- get html every $splicetime seconds and writedowntime in data Run it interactivly with configurable FILENAME, LOGFILE and DELAY: $progname --fileName FILENAME --Time SECONDS or install it as a service: $progname --install auto net start $service You can pause and resume the service with: net pause $service net continue $service To remove the service from your system, stop und uninstall it: net stop $service $progname --remove __HELP__ # Don't display standard PerlSvc help text $Verbose = 0; } sub Pause { } sub Continue { } |