两个perl script 有错误,求助

两个perl script 有错误,求助

我下载了两个perl script想用用,但运行时都说有错误,请高手指教,最好能给改改,多谢了

1.  undefined subroutine &main::getBaseFName called at AFLP_replicate_difference_v1.1.pl line 440


# Get the base file name.
$base_fname = getBaseFName( @ARGV && $ARGV[0], $comments ) unless defined $base_fname;

# Print.

2.use of uninitialized value $base_fname in replicate_error_finder_v1.1.pl  line 121

源程序: (120-127行)

# Remove old files.
unlink $_ foreach glob $base_fname.'.*'.$TAB_DELIM_EXTN;

# Get hash table of replicates: each key in the hash table is a samle name, and points to an array of all of the
# other sample names that are replicates of each other. The array includes the sample name that is the hash key.
# Many hash keys can point to the same array.
my $reps_table = getRepsTable \%reps_table_options, $indicate_reps_using, @ARGV ? shift() : undef;
没有这个getBaseFName 函数
知道了,多谢! 我已跟作者说了,让他们看着改吧