[RFC] Perl 6 S01 的中文译文

[RFC] Perl 6 S01 的中文译文

[RFC] Perl 6 S01 的中文译文
下面是我翻译的 Perl 6 Synopsis 1:


( 英文原文位于 http://perlcabal.org/syn/S01 )

它将作为我的毕业设计任务的一部分……唉,可惜只有 5000 个字符(要求 10000 字符以上),所以还需要把 S26 的译本赶出来……


等过一阵子之后,我就把这些译文提交到 Pugs 的 SVN 仓库并让 feather 网站自动从那里更新 :)


另外,通过搜索,我找到了 fyland++ 在 2005 年初(估计是 Pugs 项目刚刚启动的时候)翻译的 Synopses:


他的工作实在是让我佩服……我深知翻译是非常辛苦的一件差事……虽然从那时起,Synopses 已经历过许多比较大的更动了,但 fayland 的工作无疑是一个很好的起点 :)


已提交到 Pugs repos:--.
已提交到 Pugs repos:


而且 feather 服务器应该会每隔一小时自动从 SVN 更新 *.pod 并生成对应的 .html 文件 :)

所以对我的 S01 有任何不顺眼的地方,都可以直接将更动提交到 Pugs 仓库,大家也可以在那个目录中为其他 synopses 添加新的 .pod 以及 index.html 页面...然后它们就会在一个小时内自动出现在 feather 网站( 即 perlcabal.org )上了,呵呵

Happy translating!


agent: how can make sure.
agent: how can we make sure that the Chinese version is consistent with the Enlgish one?
I mean, as the English version is changing all the time.
Do we need to impose some mechanism on them to automatically tell which part in the Chinese version need to be updated when the English version changes.


laye: that's a very good.
laye: that's a very good question! "diff" may be helpful in such a mechanism. and patches welcome, commits welcome!
I think we could embed t.
I think we could embed the original English text inside the Chinese translation, paragraph by paragraph, and also the English version number.

When the English version changes its version number, [i]minimum paragraph edit distance[/i] is calculated between the changed version and the version embed inside Chinese translation by a utility(TODO), then we can know which paragraph in the Chinese version we should modify/delete/insert.

[i]minimum paragraph edit distance[/i]: how many operations on paragraph (modify/delete/insert a paragraph) is need at least to convert one version into another.


Just go for it!
Just go for it! But we do need a preprocessor to filter out the English paragraphs in the transcripts before HTML-ifying them. :)


hey, we can use =for com.
hey, we can use ``=for comment'' block or a parallel file to store the original text

