perl ftp一问题
bobofreebird 发表于 2007-12-17 12:50
perl ftp一问题
问题描述:现有一个perl写的FTP程序,我想实现一个功能,自动检查FTP是否成功,前两次失败的话就重新FTP,如果第三次还失败的话,就退出.并且把日志文件写到自定的文件中. 我的思路:通过读取日志文件,查找指定的字符串'successfully'来判断是否FTP成功,'can't'来判断FTP是否失败. 程序改好后执行是出现的问题pen 日志文件时出错.不知道是逻辑错误,还是那错了,请各位指教 程序执行过程:通过一个shell 调用perl,产生日志文件 以下是perl程序原码,主要是对FTP程序做了改动 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Data:umper; use Net::FTP; my $filepath="./lbsdata"; print "unload begins.\n"; my $title = "#PROVINCE CITY SITE_ID MICRO? LAC CELL_ID BSIC BCCH X_deg X_min X_sec Y_deg Y_min Y_sec BORE HEIGHT(m) EIRP BA_IND NUM_BA BA_1 BA_2 BA_3 BA_4 BA_5 BA_6 BA_7 BA_8 BA_9 BA_10 BA_11 BA_12 BA_13 BA_14 BA_15 BA_16 BA_17 BA_18 BA_19 BA_20 BA_21 BA_22 BA_23 BA_24 BA_25 BA_26 BA_27 BA_28 BA_29 BA_30 BA_31 BA_32 BA_IND NUM_BA BA_1 BA_2 BA_3 BA_4 BA_5 BA_6 BA_7 BA_8 BA_9 BA_10 BA_11 BA_12 BA_13 BA_14 BA_15 BA_16 BA_17 BA_18 BA_19 BA_20 BA_21 BA_22 BA_23 BA_24 BA_25 BA_26 BA_27 BA_28 BA_29 BA_30 BA_31 BA_32"; $title =~ s/\s+/\t/g; my $currentTime = &getTimestamp(1); $currentTime = substr $currentTime, 0, 8; print "date: $currentTime\n"; my $filePath = '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/irms/BOCO.IRMS/local/bin/lbsdata'; my $ftpfilePath = '/data/bsdata'; my $ftpfilePath2 = '/opt/edis/lbs'; print "file name: $filePath/sc$currentTime.txt\n"; open FILE, ">$filePath/sc$currentTime.txt" or die "open file failed: $!\n"; print FILE $title, "\n"; print "connect to database:\n"; my $dbh = &dbconnect(); my $sql = q/select 'sichuan', b.toll_code, c.site_id,--站号 '', a.lac, a.cell_id, a.ncc||a.bcc, --为空填充50 a.bcch_freq,--为空填充50 a.longitude, ' ', --用tab键填充 ' ', a.latitude, ' ', ' ', a.ant_dirct_angle,--为空填充50 天线方位角 a.ant_height, --为空填充50 天线高度 a.bts_trx_power, --为空填充50 发射功率 a.Ba_ind_idel, --相邻小区部分没有数据以tab键填充 a.Ba_num_idel, a.Ba_idle1 , a.Ba_idle2 , a.Ba_idle3 , a.Ba_idle4 , a.Ba_idle5 , a.Ba_idle6 , a.Ba_idle7 , a.Ba_idle8 , a.Ba_idle9 , a.Ba_idle10 , a.Ba_idle11 , a.Ba_idle12 , a.Ba_idle13 , a.Ba_idle14 , a.Ba_idle15 , a.Ba_idle16 , a.Ba_idle17 , a.Ba_idle18 , a.Ba_idle19 , a.Ba_idle20 , a.Ba_idle21 , a.Ba_idle22 , a.Ba_idle23 , a.Ba_idle24 , a.Ba_idle25 , a.Ba_idle26 , a.Ba_idle27 , a.Ba_idle28 , a.Ba_idle29 , a.Ba_idle30 , a.Ba_idle31 , a.Ba_idle32 , a.Ba_ind_busy, a.Ba_num_busy, a.Ba_busy1 , a.Ba_busy2 , a.Ba_busy3 , a.Ba_busy4 , a.Ba_busy5 , a.Ba_busy6 , a.Ba_busy7 , a.Ba_busy8 , a.Ba_busy9 , a.Ba_busy10 , a.Ba_busy11 , a.Ba_busy12 , a.Ba_busy13 , a.Ba_busy14 , a.Ba_busy15 , a.Ba_busy16 , a.Ba_busy17 , a.Ba_busy18 , a.Ba_busy19 , a.Ba_busy20 , a.Ba_busy21 , a.Ba_busy22 , a.Ba_busy23 , a.Ba_busy24 , a.Ba_busy25 , a.Ba_busy26 , a.Ba_busy27 , a.Ba_busy28 , a.Ba_busy29 , a.Ba_busy30 , a.Ba_busy31 , a.Ba_busy32 from bts a ,region b ,btssitemanager c where a.site_id = c.int_id and a.region_id = b.int_id and a.longitude is not null and a.latitude is not null and a.confirmed=1 and c.site_id is not null and c.site_id <>'' order by a.region_id/; print "sql: $sql\n"; # is_micro_cell my $ADJ_CELL_POSITION = 19; # position of Ba_idle1 my $ANT_DIRCT_ANGLE_POSITION = 14; my $IS_MICRO_POSITION = 3; # default 50 my @DEFAUT_50_POSITION = ( 6, 7, 14, 15, 16 ); # longitude, latitude my $LONGITUDE_POSITION = 8; my $LATITUDE_POSITION = 11; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or die "prepare failed: $sql\n"; $sth->execute(); my @data; my $line = 0; while( @data = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $line++; # print "$line unload.\r"; foreach( @data ) { # remove tail white spaces if( defined $_ ) { s/\s+$//; } } @data = &convertData( @data ); print FILE join( "\t", @data ), "\n"; # if( $line == 7214 ) { # print Dumper \@data; # last; # } # exit; } print "total $line unloaded.\n"; print "unload finish.\n"; close FILE; $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); print "transfer data via FTP...\n"; &ftpPut(); &ftpPut2(); exit; sub dbconnect { my $dbh; my $dsn = 'dbi:Informix:edis2@edisdb1'; my $username = 'informix'; my $password = 'boco#informix'; print "dsn: $dsn\n"; eval { $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $username, $password, { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1, odbc_cursortype => 2} ); }; if ($@) { print " can't connect to DSN: $dsn.\n". "$DBI::errstr, $@\n"; die " can't connect to DSN: $dsn.\n". "$DBI::errstr\n"; } return $dbh; } sub isNull { if( defined $_[0] and $_[0] !~ /^\s*$/ ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub convertData { my @data = @_; if( not @data ) { print "data(line) is null\n"; exit; } # print Dumper \@data; # $data[0] = 'sichuan'; # is_micro_cell if( &isNull($data[$ADJ_CELL_POSITION]) or &isNull($data[$ANT_DIRCT_ANGLE_POSITION]) ) { # print "$data[$ADJ_CELL_POSITION], $data[$ANT_DIRCT_ANGLE_POSITION]\n"; # print "Y\n"; $data[$IS_MICRO_POSITION] = 'Y'; } else { # print "$data[$ADJ_CELL_POSITION], $data[$ANT_DIRCT_ANGLE_POSITION]\n"; # print "N\n"; $data[$IS_MICRO_POSITION] = 'N'; } # exit; $data[14] =~ s/_$//; # if( $data[14] =~ /^-/ ) { # $data[14] = 0; # } # default 50 foreach my $position ( @DEFAUT_50_POSITION ) { if( &isNull($data[$position]) ) { $data[$position] = 50; } } # latitude, longitude foreach( ($LONGITUDE_POSITION, $LATITUDE_POSITION) ) { if( $data[$_] =~ /^\d+\.\d{6}/ ) { $data[$_] = $&; } } # 0.00000E+00 for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @data; $i++ ) { if( $i > 17 and &isNull($data[$i]) ) { $data[$i] = '33237_10242'; } elsif( not &isNull($data[$i]) and $data[$i] =~ /^0\.00000E\+00$/ ) { $data[$i] = 0; } } # print Dumper \@data; return @data; } sub getTimestamp () { my $format = shift; my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year ) = localtime( time ); $mon += 1; $year += 1900; my $time; if( defined $format ) { if ( $format == 1 ) { # if ( defined $format ) { $time = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",$year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec; } else { $time = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec; } } else { $time = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec; } $time; } ################################################################## # put filesvia FTP # Interface: ftpPut(); # Return: None ################################################################### sub ftpPut() { my $count = 0;#用来记录失败的次数 my $line; #用来按照行读取日志文件 my $host = ''; my $usr = 'bsdata'; my $passwd = 'bsdata'; print "ftp begins;\n"; my $ftp = Net::FTP->new( $host, Debug =>0 ); $ftp->login( $usr, $passwd ) or die "connect failed: $!\n"; # $filePath/sc$currentTime.txt; $ftp->put( "$filePath/sc$currentTime.txt", "$ftpfilePath/sc$currentTime.txt" )# save to task data directory or die "cannot put the file sc$currentTime.txt\n"; print "now read log by line...\n"; open (MYFILE,"putlbs.log" || die " open myfile failured!\n"; while ($line = <MYFILE> { if ($line =~ /cannot/) { print "$line\n"; $count++; }else {exit;} } print "read finish...\n"; print "$count\n"; if ($count > 0 && $count < 4) { &ftpPut(); &ftpPut2(); }else{ exit; } print "put sc$currentTime.txt successfully.\n"; return; } sub ftpPut2() { my $host = ''; my $usr = 'edis'; my $passwd = 'boco#edis'; print "ftp to begins;\n"; my $ftp = Net::FTP->new( $host, Debug =>0 ); $ftp->login( $usr, $passwd ) or die "connect failed: $!\n"; # $filePath/sc$currentTime.txt; $ftp->put( "$filePath/sc$currentTime.txt", "$ftpfilePath2/sc$currentTime.txt" )# save to task data directory or die "cannot put the file sc$currentTime.txt\n"; print "put sc$currentTime.txt successfully.\n"; return; } shell程序 perl /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/irms/BOCO.IRMS/local/bin/ >>& /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/irms/BOCO.IRMS/local/bin/putlbs.log 出错信息: can't open file at line ... |