redicaps 发表于 2007-10-27 22:30
看shell 版有一个扫雷 为了学习锻炼perl 自己写了个 到后来感觉写得没什么收获都不太认真了 高手们看看有什么还可以写得更perl化一点 认为这算什么极度bs的高手请直接54
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#################### ## 扫雷 ## ## redicaps@gmail ## ## move: w,a,s,d ## ## dig:t clear:c ## ## mark as mine:m ## ## q to quit ## ## 2007/10/27 ## #################### use strict; use Term::ANSIColor; use Term::Screen; my $term = new Term::Screen; $term->clrscr(); $term->noecho(); my ($X,$Y,$MCount,$FCount,$SCount); my @array; my ($cleared,$hits) = (0,0,0); &gameInit; &mapArray; &drawMap; my $col = 1; my $row = 1; while(my $key = $term->getch()){ my $num; $key =~ /^d/i and $col < $X*2-1 and $col += 2,$term->at($row,$col); $key =~ /^a/i and $col > 2 and $col -= 2,$term->at($row,$col); $key =~ /^w/i and $row > 1 and $term->at(--$row,$col); $key =~ /^s/i and $row < $Y and $term->at(++$row,$col); $key =~ /^t/i and &dig($row,$col); $key =~ /^m/i and &mark($row,$col); $key =~ /^c/i and &clear($row,$col); $key =~ /^q/i and $term->clrscr,last; } sub gameInit{ my $key; my ($rows,$cols) = (24,80); my ($posX,$posY) = (6,24); ###reszieing window alwarys failed to work $term->resize($rows,$cols); $term->at($posX,$posY); print colored("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++",'yellow'),"\n"; $term->at(++$posX,$posY); print colored(" 1)easy ",'yellow'),"\n"; $term->at(++$posX,$posY); print colored(" 2)normal ",'yellow'),"\n"; $term->at(++$posX,$posY); print colored(" 3)hard ",'yellow'),"\n"; $term->at(++$posX,$posY); print colored(" 4)exit ",'yellow'),"\n"; $term->at(++$posX,$posY); print colored("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++",'yellow'),"\n"; $term->at(++$posX,$posY); print colored("hit a key...",'yellow'); while($key = $term->getch()){ $key =~ /^1$/ and $X=10,$Y=10,$MCount=10,$FCount=10,$SCount=100,last; $key =~ /^2$/ and $X=20,$Y=14,$MCount=18,$FCount=28,$SCount=280,last; $key =~ /^3$/ and $X=36,$Y=18,$MCount=65,$FCount=65,$SCount=648,last; $key =~ /^4$/ and exit 0; } } sub mapArray{ @array = map { [ map { 'S' } 1..$X ] } 1..$Y; my $count = 0; while(1){ my ($mx,$my) = (int(rand($X)),int(rand($Y))); #不能用&& why? $array[$mx][$my] =~ /^[^M]/i and $array[$mx][$my] = 'M', $count++; last if($count == $MCount); } } sub drawMap{ my ($posX,$posY) = (1,1); $term->clrscr(); print map {"--"} 1..$X; my $delimiter = colored("|",'green'); my $oox = colored("X",'blue bold'); my $str = join($delimiter,map {$oox} 1..$X); $term->at($posX,$posY); foreach(1..$Y){ print $str; $term->at(++$posX,$posY); } print map {"--"} 1..$X; $term->at(1,$posY); } sub dig{ my ($row,$col) = @_; my ($x,$y) = ($row-1,int($col/2)); if($array[$x][$y] =~ /^m/i){ &gameOver($row,$col); } my $num = &getNum($x,$y); $term->puts($num); $term->at($row,$col); $array[$row-1][int($col/2)] =~ /^m/i or ++$cleared; (my $c = $hits + $cleared) == $SCount and &gameExit; } sub mark{ my ($row,$col) = @_; my $mark = colored("m",'red bold'); $term->puts($mark); $term->at($row,$col); $array[$row-1][int($col/2)] =~ /^m/i and ++$hits; (my $c = $hits + $cleared) == $SCount and &gameExit; } sub clear{ my ($rows,$col) = @_; my $clear = colored('X','blue bold'); $term->puts($clear); $term->at($row,$col); if($array[$row-1][int($col/2)] =~ /^m/i){ --$hits; }else{ --$cleared; } } sub getNum{ my $num = 0; my ($x,$y) = @_; ($x-1>-1 and $y-1>-1) and $array[$x-1][$y-1] =~ /^m/i and ++$num; $x-1 >-1 and $array[$x-1][$y] =~ /^m/i and ++$num; ($x-1>-1 and $y+1<$Y) and $array[$x-1][$y+1] =~ /^m/i and ++$num; $y-1 >-1 and $array[$x][$y-1] =~ /^m/i and ++$num; $y+1<$Y and $array[$x][$y+1] =~ /^m/i and ++$num; ($x+1<$X and $y-1>-1) and $array[$x+1][$y-1] =~ /^m/i and ++$num; $x+1<$X and $array[$x+1][$y] =~ /^m/i and ++$num; ($x+1<$X and $y+1<$Y) and $array[$x+1][$y+1] =~ /^m/i and ++$num; $num = $num==0?" ":$num; return $num; } sub gameOver{ my ($row,$col) = @_; &plotMap($row,$col); print colored('Game over...("q" to quit and "n" to start a new game)','red'); my $key = $term->getch(); $key =~ /^q/i and $term->clrscr(),exit 0; $key =~ /^n/i and exec 'perl',$0; } sub plotMap{ my ($row,$col) = @_; my ($posX,$posY) = (1,1); my $mark = colored('M','blue bold'); my $delimiter = colored('|','green'); my $missed = colored('X','red bold'); $term->clrscr(); print map {"--"} 1..$X; $term->at($posX,$posY); foreach(1..$Y){ print join ($delimiter, map{/^s/i?" ":$mark} @{$array[$_-1]}); $term->at(++$posX,$posY); } print map {"--"} 1..$X; $term->at($row,$col); $term->puts($missed); $term->at(++$posX,$posY); } sub gameExit{ $term->at($X+2,1); print colored ('success....','yellow bold'); exit 0; } |