# 单行文字列的输出
Example: str = ‘hello the world’
p str #=> “hello the world”
puts str #=> hello the world
# 多行文字列的输出
Example: str = <<EOS
This is test.
php?name=Ruby" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">Ruby, the Object Oriented Script Language.
puts str
#=>This is test.
Ruby, the Object Oriented Script Language.
# 文字列的结合
Example: str = ‘hello’
puts str + ‘ the world’ #=> hello the world
# 文字列的追加
Example: str = ‘hello’
str << ‘ the world’
puts str #=> hello the world
# 生成重复的文字列
Example: str = ‘hello ‘
puts str*3 #=> hello hello hello
# 大小写字母的变换
Example: str = ‘I Love Ruby’
puts str.upcase #=> I LOVE RUBY
puts str.downcase #=> i love ruby
# 文字列中的部分文字的取得
Example: str = “Apple Banana Orange”
puts str[0..4] #=> Apple
puts str[6, 6] #=> Banana
# 文字列中的部分文字的置换
Example: str = “Apple Banana Apple Orange”
str[0..4] = “Vine” #=> str = “Vine Banana Apple Orane”
str[5, 6] = “Lemon” #=> str = “Vine Lemon Apple Orange”
str.sub(”Apple”, “Pine”) #=> str = “Pine Banana Apple Orange”
str.gsub(”Apple”, “Pine”) #=> str = “Pine Banana Pine Orange”
# 文字列中变数的展开
Example: value = 123
puts “value is #{value}” #=> value is 123
# 文字列中方法的展开
def sub(str)
“Hello, #{str}.”
puts “Say #{sub(”Tomoya”)}” #=> Say Hello, Tomoya.
# 削除文字列头和尾的空格
Example: str = ‘ Hello, Ruby! ‘
p s.strip #=> “Hello, Ruby!”
# 削除文字列尾部的换行
Example: str = ‘Hello, Ruby!\n’
p str.chomp #=> “Hello, Ruby!”
p str.strip #=> “Hello, Ruby!”
# 文字型向数值型的转换
Example: str = ‘99′
i = 1
puts i + str.to_i #=> 100
# 数值型向文字型的转换
Example: str = ‘99′
i = 1
p i.to_s + str #=> “199″
# 文字型(数值型)向浮点小数型的转换
Example: str = ‘99′
puts str.to_f #=> 99.0
# 下一个文字列的取得
p “9″.succ #>= “10″
p “a”.succ #>= “b”
p “AAA”.succ #>= “AAB”
p “A99″.succ #>= “B00″
p “A099″.succ #>= “A100″
# 检查文字列中是否有相同文字出现
Example: str = “Apple Banana Apple Orange”
puts str.index(”Apple”) #=> 0
puts str.index(”Banana”) #=> 6
puts str.index(”Apple”, 6) #=> 13
puts str.rindex(”Apple”) #=> 13
puts str.rindex(”Apple”, 6) #>= 0
# 文字列的居中,居左和居右
Example: str = “Ruby”
p #=> “ Ruby ”
p str.ljust(10) #=> “Ruby ”
p str.rjust(10) #=> “ Ruby”