拿到Rails 2.0 step by step的翻译许可

拿到Rails 2.0 step by step的翻译许可

Dear Sean,

My name is xinhao, a Chinese RoRer. Your article Rails 2.0 step by step is great, and help a lot of people to overcome the problems from php?name=rails" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">rails1.2.6 to php?name=rails" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">rails2.0. I was wondering if I could get permission from you to translate your article"Rails 2.0 step by step" to Chinese language. And I will send you the php?name=link" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">link where I post (in my blog and one of the biggest php?name=Ruby" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">Ruby on Rails Community), the purpose of the translation is to help more non-English speakers can learn Rails2.0 fast and no commercial purpose.

Thank you very much

Best Regards,




Yes you can have permission to translate these posts to the Chinese language.
I should work on a translation into Irish Gaelic myself!

Sean Lynch
np. If anyone wants to make contribution. Welcome
原帖由 xinhao 于 2008-5-22 12:06 发表
np. If anyone wants to make contribution. Welcome
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