名词解释Killer App

名词解释Killer App

最先看到这个词是在O'Reilly的一本叫做Beyond php?name=Java" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">Java(超越php?name=Java" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">Java)的书上。

Killer App(被翻译为“杀手级应用”)是比语言本身更受欢迎的应用或框架,它不是语言本身,但能提升语言的吸引力。这就像日常生活中,通过某部电影,使某位影星红起来。电影就是明星Killer App,而它又不能脱离影星而独立存在。

以下摘自Beyond Java By Bruce A. Tate

Without some kind of catalyst, it's difficult to imagine how a successful community ever gets started. Applets let Java spread to many desktops quickly. Developers could embed dynamic content into their web pages in a matter of hours.


On the surface, it seems like a language must have a vibrant community to ever get rich enough to succeed on any scale, but the community usually won't come until the language is rich enough. A killer app to a developer is a solution that is so compelling that it transcends language. It alone can rapidly drive community growth. It's not the only way a language can succeed, but it's certainly the most likely way.


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Remember, a language alone is rarely enough. Right now, several interesting technologies could possibly grow into potential killer apps.



Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet —— 让商业人士改用微软的Windows平台。(言外之意,Windows最初并没有吸引商业人士)

Applet,Servlet... —— 让Java流行

Continuation servers —— Smalltalk

metaprogramming —— Ruby

JRuby’s killer feature is its brilliant integration with Java code. Ruby code can call Java code (and vice versa) and Ruby classes can inherit from Java classes. (JRuby的killer app是与Java整合)
JRuby’s killer feature is its brilliant integration with Java code. Ruby code can call Java code (and vice versa) and Ruby classes can inherit from Java classes.
JRuby卓越的与java code集成的能力是它的杀手级特色。Ruby code可以调用java code(包括一些缺陷)并且Ruby 的类可以继承自java的类。
在了解了Ruby和Rails以后,难道你们不认为Rails就是Ruby的Killer Frame吗?Ruby的发展和壮大,就是Rails载着它呀(Rails的名字也起得绝好,它载着Ruby不断前进)。Rails本身就是Ruby本身最好的应用。这也是为什么那些专家总为Ruby有DHH这样Killer顶级专家人物而自豪,对吧?!
