

tar zxvf john-1.6.tar.gz

解包后有三个文件夹 doc run src

按照说明cd src

后面要 make SYSTEM


[root@iCe src]# make linux-x86-any-elf
ln -sf x86-any.h arch.h
ln: 正在创建连至‘x86-any.h’的符号链接‘arch.h’: 不允许的操作
make: *** [linux-x86-any-elf] Error 1
[root@iCe src]#



Installing John the Ripper

Compiling the Sources

Compile the sources with:

        cd src

You'll get a list of supported systems. Select one of them, and type:

        make SYSTEM

or, if your system is not listed, try:

        make generic

If everything goes well, this will create the John binary in run/john.

You can then copy the run directory anywhere you like: these are all the
files that John needs at runtime.

Installing from a Binary Distribution

You might need to take run/{john.ini,*.chr,password.lst} from the source
distribution for things to work, unless these files are present already.

Note on Moving Binaries between Systems

On some architectures, a few hardware performance parameters are detected
at compile time -- in particular, this is done for SPARC and generic make
targets. If you then move the binary to a different system, you might not
get the best performance. It is better to re-compile John on each system,
where possible.