ubuntu 的 timezone 如何设置?

ubuntu 的 timezone 如何设置?

ubuntu 的 timezone 如何设置?

msn:qiaoshuo at gmail dot com

[No.504 12:54:10 ~ ]# cat TimeZone
Script started on 2005年10月21日 星期五 12时52分58秒
[No.501 12:52:58 ~ ]# tzconfig
Your current time zone is set to Asia/Shanghai
Do you want to change that? [n]: y

Please enter the number of the geographic area in which you live:

        1) Africa                        7) Australia

        2) America                        8) Europe

        3) US time zones                9) Indian Ocean

        4) Canada time zones                10) Pacific Ocean

        5) Asia                                11) Use System V style time zones

        6) Atlantic Ocean                12) None of the above

Then you will be shown a list of cities which represent the time zone
in which they are located. You should choose a city in your time zone.

Number: 5

Aden Almaty Amman Anadyr Aqtau Aqtobe Ashgabat Ashkhabad Baghdad Bahrain
Baku Bangkok Beirut Bishkek Brunei Calcutta Choibalsan Chongqing Chungking
Colombo Dacca Damascus Dhaka Dili Dubai Dushanbe Gaza Harbin Hong_Kong
Hovd Irkutsk Istanbul Jakarta Jayapura Jerusalem Kabul Kamchatka Karachi
Kashgar Katmandu Krasnoyarsk Kuala_Lumpur Kuching Kuwait Macao Macau
Magadan Makassar Manila Muscat Nicosia Novosibirsk Omsk Oral Phnom_Penh
Pontianak Pyongyang Qatar Qyzylorda Rangoon Riyadh Riyadh87 Riyadh88
Riyadh89 Saigon Sakhalin Samarkand Seoul Shanghai Singapore Taipei
Tashkent Tbilisi Tehran Tel_Aviv Thimbu Thimphu Tokyo Ujung_Pandang
Ulaanbaatar Ulan_Bator Urumqi Vientiane Vladivostok Yakutsk Yekaterinburg

Please enter the name of one of these cities or zones
You just need to type enough letters to resolve ambiguities
Press Enter to view all of them again
Name: [] Shanghai
Your default time zone is set to 'Asia/Shanghai'.
Local time is now:      五 10月 21 12:53:50 CST 2005.
Universal Time is now:  五 10月 21 04:53:50 UTC 2005.
[No.503 12:53:59 ~ ]# exit

Script done on 2005年10月21日 星期五 12时54分05秒