
我运行计算软件的时候想让软件直接用grace出图,软件有直接出图的功能。但要设置连接grace的路劲。下面是英文的 步骤,我 知道意思,但是不知道怎么设置,请各位赐教,最好能有具体步骤。 .tcshrc 这个东西怎么打开编辑?
You need to add Grace to your path. You can do it in your working shell's configuration file, and the exact command depends on the particular shell used. For tcsh shell you have to add new line in .tcshrc file like below (the exact path depends, of course, on where you installed Grace):
set path= ("/usr/grace-5.1.12/grace/bin" $path)
then do from a command line
source .tcshrc
and start Toolkit from that shell.