请问 /bin 与 sbin 下的文件有什么区别吗?

请问 /bin 与 sbin 下的文件有什么区别吗?

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UID 37787  帖子 144  精华 0  积分 360  阅读权限 20  来自 沈阳  在线时间 0 小时  注册时间 2003-5-16  最后登录 2004-7-27 





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2# 大 中 小 发表于 2003-9-12 10:53  只看该作者
bin provides programs for normal use.
sbin contains programs for administrative perpose, most of the time, they are not available for normal users.
bin provides programs for normal use.
sbin contains programs for administrative perpose, most of the time, they are not available for normal users.
Thank you very much!