求助,命令行报错:4gb seg fixup...

求助,命令行报错:4gb seg fixup...

我用的是FC6,在命行下操作时总出现“4gb seg fixup, process prelink (pid 3617), cs:ip 73:08084338”错误提示,为什么,怎么解决?谢谢~

Jan 27 12:48:57 localhost kernel: 4gb seg fixup, process prelink (pid 3617), cs:ip 73:08084338
Jan 27 12:48:58 localhost kernel: printk: 8 messages suppressed.
Jan 27 12:48:58 localhost kernel: 4gb seg fixup, process prelink (pid 3617), cs:ip 73:08084338
Jan 27 12:49:03 localhost kernel: printk: 44 messages suppressed.
Jan 27 12:49:03 localhost kernel: 4gb seg fixup, process prelink (pid 3617), cs:ip 73:08084338
Jan 27 12:49:15 localhost kernel: printk: 68 messages suppressed.
Jan 27 12:49:15 localhost kernel: 4gb seg fixup, process prelink (pid 3617), cs:ip 73:08084338
Jan 27 12:49:15 localhost kernel: 4gb seg fixup, process prelink (pid 3617), cs:ip 73:08084338
Jan 27 12:49:26 localhost kernel: printk: 191 messages suppressed.
Jan 27 12:49:26 localhost kernel: 4gb seg fixup, process prelink (pid 3617), cs:ip 73:08084338

It means your hardware is running the wrong kernel for it. For AMD
systems and probably some of the other big boxes.. you will want to
run the PAE kernel so that you can see all of your RAM etc. I do not
know if it will cause your system to run slower... but if prelink is
having to spew lots of notifications that it isnt running optimally ..
that would affect performance.
