
[quote:d11638561d=""]转换成 %xx 的方式呢?[/quote]我现在是直接写成"=?gb2312?B?VmluY2VudCBIdaGk0+rR7g==?="这样的方式。
你不是使用的 rhel 自带的 apache ?
[quote:72003a6d57="gugong"]你不是使用的 rhel 自带的 apache ?[/quote]

这个文件 /etc/sysconfig/httpd, rhel AS 3.0 是没有的:

[code:1]# Configuration file for the httpd service.

# The default processing model (MPM) is the process-based
# 'prefork' model.  A thread-based model, 'worker', is also
# available, but does not work with some modules (such as PHP).
# The service must be stopped before changing this variable.

# To pass additional options (for instance, -D definitions) to the
# httpd binary at startup, set OPTIONS here.

# By default, the httpd process is started in the C locale; to
# change the locale in which the server runs, the HTTPD_LANG
# variable can be set.

改吧,把上面的 HTTPD_LANG 修改成中文。

还有啊,现在的问题是系统不支持GBK、GB2312吧,从J2SDK的WARNING中可以看出来,而且MRTG说不支持中文编码,只好使用“env LANG=C”来启动。