

406  Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource / could not be found on this server.
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index.html.ca , type text/html, language ca
index.html.cz , type text/html, language cz
index.html.de , type text/html, language de
index.html.dk , type text/html, language da
index.html.ee , type text/html, language et
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index.html.en , type text/html, language en
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index.html.ja.jis , type text/html, language ja, charset iso-2022-jp
index.html.kr.iso-kr , type text/html, language kr, charset iso-2022-kr
index.html.nl , type text/html, language nl
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index.html.pt , type text/html, language pt
index.html.pt-br , type text/html, language pt-br
index.html.ru.cp-1251 , type text/html, language ru, charset windows-1251
index.html.ru.cp866 , type text/html, language ru, charset cp866
index.html.ru.iso-ru , type text/html, language ru, charset iso-8859-5
index.html.ru.koi8-r , type text/html, language ru, charset koi8-r
index.html.ru.ucs2 , type text/html, language ru, charset ucs-2
index.html.ru.ucs4 , type text/html, language ru, charset ucs-4
index.html.ru.utf8 , type text/html, language ru, charset utf-8


Apache/1.3.27 Server at Port 80

index.html.en , type text/html, language en




可能你的apache 没有“简体中文”这一项,才出现这种情况。
