CPU:Xeon 3210 四核
主板:Intel S3000AH
内存:2G DDR667 x 2
硬盘:WD2500YD x 2
其他:1U机箱 全铜涡轮风扇
服务器是是买配件攒出来的,性价比比较高。装完之后,为了测试硬件是否能跑,就让经销商装了个系统测试。当时装的是Windows Server 2003,Intel S3000AH这块板子送的驱动是LSI的raid驱动。这时候我才知道板子带的raid居然有LSI和Intel Matrix Storage两种。LSI是独立芯片,Intel Matrix Storage是集成在南桥中的,但是LSI不支持raid5,如果不做raid5的话,就用LSI的raid,这样系统性能消耗更小。经过一番挣扎,终于用LSI做raid装好了Windows Server 2003
机器搬回来,开始安装CentOS 5.1
开始的时候没有软驱,用U盘来安装驱动,linux dd结果是种不行,折腾了一下午,放弃
dd if=/usr/src/driver_raid/raid.img of=/dev/fd0 的时候,发现老是提示设备正忙
又折腾了半天,才发现:不需要挂载软驱,才能这样写入。写入驱动成功,但是linux dd仍然不行。继续折腾半天,最后阅读Intel官方驱动的ReadMe才发现安装步骤如下:
RAID Driver for Linux
RHEL5, unlike previous RHEL version, requires additional steps for installing the OS onto an Intel(R) Embedded Server RAID Technology volume.
1) Create a RAID array using the Intel Embedded Server RAID Technology II RAID BIOS Configuration Utility.
2) Boot your system using RHEL disc one.
3) At boot prompt type “linux nostorage”
4) Proceed with the installation and you will see a screen which provides you with �Add device� button.
5) Click “Add Device”, a list of all drivers will appear
6) Press F2 to select driver from floppy
7) Insert the floppy with the Installer DUD image
8 ) Select device that corresponds to the floppy drive (sda in case of USB floppy)
9) After the driver is loaded the list of all drivers will appear again
10) Scroll down the driver list and select. Update megaide driver� in the list
11) Click OK
12) The driver will be loaded and the list of detected devices will appear
13) Click Done
14) Complete installation with RHEL CD
发现是用linux nostorage来进行安装前的驱动加载工作,于是很HIGH,终于安装完毕。