发现 DOS/fdisk 不好用----稍微抱怨一下:讨论 DOS 者在本站没有地方可去

发现 DOS/fdisk 不好用----稍微抱怨一下:讨论 DOS 者在本站没有地方可去

本站对于各种 UNIX 基本都包罗了, 唯独还没有 DOS/Windows 的领地.
当然了, DOS/Windows 主要是微软的产品. 不过, DOS/Windows 使用人数众多, 包括大量的 linuxer 们, 也大都熟悉 DOS/Windows. 所以, 如果能够给一个讨论场所, 也是很好的, 说不定也会有人气.

也许这里可以算是 DOS 的一个立锥之地. (本帖不是建议增设 dos 讨论专版).


朋友的机器坏了, 是硬盘物理故障, 我用 M$ DOS 的 FDISK 想创建一个 primary non-dos 分区, 把硬盘的坏块包括进去, 却没有办法. 只好先创建一个 primary dos 分区, 再用 debug 改成 非dos 分区.

最近一段时间, 我在找 dos 的信息. freedos 很好, 可是不如 m$ dos 流行.

所以, 又找了 M$ FDISK 的一些资料, 不敢独享, 贴在这里:


Configures a hard disk for use with MS-DOS.


/STATUS Displays partition information.
/X Ignores extended disk-access support (will not use LBA support). Use this switch if you receive one of the following symptoms:
Unable to access a drive from DOS versions prior to 7.
Disk access messages .
Stack overflow messages.
High amounts of data corruption.
Extra drive letters


FDISK /MBR - Command used to rewrite the Master Boot Record. See CH000175 for additional information.
FDISK /CMBR <DISK> - Recreate Master Boot Record on specified disk. Performs the same functions as FDISK /MBR except can be used on other disk drives.
FDISK 1/PRI:100 - Command line to create a 100 meg DOS partition on hard drive 1.
FDISK 1/EXT:500 - Command line to create a 500 meg extended DOS partition on hard drive 1.
FDISK 1/LOG:250 - Command line to create a 250 logical drives.
FDISK /PARTN - Saves the partition to a file called PARTSAV.FIL
FDISK /Q - Prevents fdisk from booting the system automatically after exiting fdisk.
FDISK /STATUS - Shows you the current status of your hard drives.
FDISK /ACTOK - Makes FDISK not check the disk integrity allowing the drives to be created faster.
FDISK /FPRMT - Will not get the prompt for FAT32 support, in addition allows FDISK to be forced into using FAT32 on drives smaller then 540MB (by default FDISK will not use FAT32 on any drive smaller then 540MB). Finally this command can only be used with FDISK that supports FAT32.


Fdisk - This would get you into the fdisk option screen which you can see in the fdisk simulation, also keep in mind when deleting a partitions ANYTHING that is on that partition of the hard drive will be ERASED, also once the partition is delete it will not be redetected until you format that partition, so if you delete your primary partition which is the c: drive you will not be able to put anything on that drive or even read from that drive until it is formatted.

See our fdisk simulation for additional information and examples.


FDISK SCRIPT FILE - Fdisk has the capability of being ran from an external file allowing you to quickly create and delete partitions through Fdisk. To do this create a file from the DOS edit command. The following are the steps required in generating this file.

Edit fdisk.scr - This will place you within the edit screen within this screen you will enter the commands you wish to be ran in fdisk. For example if you wish to run fdisk and display the partition information you would enter 4.

Because Fdisk requires you to press enter after you have chosen a selection you will need to press Ctrl + P and then press Ctrl + M which will create a music symbol which acts as a carriage return.

If you need to press the esc key you would use Ctrl + P and then press esc which would be represented as a backwards arrow.

When doing the commands to run FDISK all these must be on one line do not place each command on separate lines.

Once you have created the script file you can then type fdisk < fdisk.scr which will then execute the script file. If the script file encounters an error during its process you will need to recreate the script file where the mistake occurred.

来源: http://www.computerhope.com/fdiskhlp.htm      

我昨天晚上还在想这个问题呢!不过我没有想到用 Linux 软盘,而是用 linux 的 fdisk 在 dos 下重新编译。

另外,刚刚发现 FreeDOS 中的 Free FDISK 可以做我想要做的事情。碰巧,昨天刚刚发布 FDISK-1.20, 很好哇。可以在 windows 9x 下使用。我看,今后我要把软盘上的 MS FDISK 换成 Free FDISK 了。这个 Free FDISK 可以认识 Linux 分区。      
自从微软宣布 dos 死亡之后,freeDOS 发展很快!

FREEDOS 精雕细刻,终有一日会变成漂亮的操作系统。      
DOS 下绝好的调试器 get real debugger 4.3 发布。本次发布的授权协议已经采用 GPL 了 :-)

ftp://ftp.rediris.es/sites/sunsi ... asmutl/grdbdl43.zip

这个调试器比微软的 debug 强大,是 debug 的一个很好的替代品。


