twisted中替代PB(Perspective broker,透明代理)实现RPC的模块

                在查看zenoss的相关资源时,发现在Zenoss Enhancement Proposals中关于ZenAgent的话题中,提到了它们
1. AMP: twisted.protocols.amp,Asynchronous Messaging Protocol, 使用起来很方便简单。
To make a long story short, it's less powerful than PB, but a whole lot
simpler.  It has asynchronous messaging and argument marshalling between
endpoints, but not arbitrary objects.  I have found that this hits the
sweet spot of more applications than PB (although PB is still better for
communicating parallel simulations) [ed: and more security than that
provided by XML-RPC]
2. FoolsCap:是将来PB的替代品,目前处于Alpha阶段。