§Inputs: current temperature, its time derivatives
§Parameter: target temperature
§Output: the amounts of heat sources to be applied.
§Rules: fuzzy rules
§E.g. If the temperature is moderately high and the pressure is very low, then the output is medium.
d = {'NB':(2.0,-4.0),'NS':(2.0,-2.0),'ZO':(2.0,0.0),'PS':(2.0,2.0),'PB':(2.0,4.0)}
#side = {'NB':[-4.0,-2.0],'NS':[-4.0,0.0],'ZO':[-2.0,2.0],'PS':(0.0,4.0),'PB':(2.0,4.0)}
def mx(s,x):
a,b = d.get(s)
return max((a - abs(x - b)) / a,0)
def mw(ai,s,x):
return min(ai,mx(s,x))
def fuzzy_w(e,ve):
'''select fuzzy(w) by e and ve'''
w = ''
if e == "ZO" and ve == "NB":
return "PB"
if e == "ZO" and ve == "NS":
return "PS"
if e == "NB" and ve == "ZO":
return "PB"
if e == "NS" and ve == "ZO":
return "PS"
if e == "ZO" and ve == "ZO":
return "ZO"
if e == "ZO" and ve == "PS":
return "NS"
if e == "ZO" and ve == "PB":
return "NB"
if e == "PS" and ve =="ZO":
return "NS"
if e == "PB" and ve == "ZO":
return "NB"
def select_rule(e,ve):
li = []
if mx("ZO",ve) > 0:
for i in d.keys():
if mx(i,e) > 0:
elif mx("ZO",e) > 0 :
for i in d.keys():
if mx(i,ve) > 0:
return li
def out(e,ve,w):
a = []
DOWN,UP = -4,4
(sum0,sum1,dx) = (0.0,0.0,0.002)
for i in w:
'''计算出ai和aj,存到list a[]中'''
W,E,VE = i
ai = min(mx(E,e),mx(VE,ve))
x = DOWN
while(x 1:
fx = max(mw(a[0],w[0][0],x),mw(a[1],w[1][0],x))
elif len(a) == 1:
fx = mw(a[0],w[0][0],x)
sum0 += (fx * dx)
sum1 += (x * fx * dx)
x += dx
return sum1 / sum0
def run():
Tn = -100
En = Tn
Ve = 0
for i in range(40):
EEn = En
VVe = Ve
if En 4:
EEn = 4
if Ve 4:
VVe = 4
w_rule = select_rule(EEn,VVe)
if len(w_rule) > 0:
w0 = out(EEn,VVe,w_rule)
Ve += 2*w0
En += Ve
#Tn += Ve
#En = Tn
print 'E:',En,'VE:',Ve,'w0:',w0