ObjFW 0.5.2 发布,Objective C 编程框架

ObjFW 是一个可移植的、轻量级的 Objective C 编程语言框架。


1. fixes double-retain in OFList.
2. It will not ignore the timeout in OFStreamObserver when using select().
3. It performs -[OFURL copy] in a try block to prevent a leak when an exception occurs.
4. It fixes a too large buffer in -[OFMutableString _applyTable:withSize:].
5. It calls madvise() on the correct length variable so that it covers the whole string.
6. It fixes a warning when sizeof(size_t) < sizeof(long long).
7. It skips possible BOMs when appending strings


作者: 红薯   发布时间: 2011-04-26